Provided by the British Institute of Organ Studies and managed under an agreement with the Royal College of Organists
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Search by address, organ builder or index number
37,000+ organs, 30,000+ pictures, 260 sound recordings - library_music
Historic Organ Sound Archive
Sound files of music suitable for the period when the organ was built - editor_choice
Historic Organ Listing Scheme
Listed organs of special historic interest - photo_camera
British Organ Archive index
Historic photographs, organbuilders' records and drawings - release_alert
Historic Organs at Risk Register
Organs currently at risk to their survival or structural integrity - lists
Directory of British Organ Builders
Historic information about British organ builders - query_stats
Please make a donation! Our charitable organisation needs help in meeting the considerable running cost of the NPOR. We invite all users to make a donation that reflects the amount of use and the value you put on it. All donations, however small, will be gratefully received by BIOS. For more information and to donate, please click here

The British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS) owns the NPOR, the Historic Organ Sound Archive (HOSA), the Directory of British Organ Builders (DBOB) and the British Organ Archive (BOA). The content and hosting of the NPOR are managed under an agreement with the Royal College of Organists (RCO).
Donations The National Pipe Organ Register is a free service provided for everyone interested in the organ and its history. Please make a donation that reflects the amount of use and the value you put on the National Pipe Organ Register. For more information and to donate please click here.
The National Pipe Organ Register is provided by the British Institute of Organ Studies managed under an agreement with the Royal College of Organists
Click here for information about the NPOR, how to contact us and our privacy policy.