Search the NPOR

Use one or more keywords separated by spaces

Use one or more keywords separated by spaces, omitting 'St' and 'and'. For example, 'Margaret Lothbury' will find St Margaret, Lothbury, London.

If you are uncertain of the exact title of the building, put in just what you know (e.g. 'Lothbury') and the system will come up with a list of alternatives from which you can choose.The maximum number of alternatives is 1,200.

If you still cannot find what you want do a neighbourhood search for organs within a given distance from a place.

St Salvador, Dundee: Wordsworth & Maskell 1882 (photo CBr)
St Salvador, Dundee: Wordsworth & Maskell 1882 (photo CBr)

The British Institute of Organ Studies (BIOS) owns the NPOR, the Historic Organ Sound Archive (HOSA), the Directory of British Organ Builders (DBOB) and the British Organ Archive (BOA). The content and hosting of the NPOR are managed under an agreement with the Royal College of Organists (RCO).

Donations The National Pipe Organ Register is a free service provided for everyone interested in the organ and its history. Please make a donation that reflects the amount of use and the value you put on the National Pipe Organ Register. For more information and to donate please click here.

The National Pipe Organ Register is provided by the British Institute of Organ Studies managed under an agreement with the Royal College of Organists

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